Central Kentucky


Sports Car Club of America

Solo Rules and Fees

CKRSCCA 2025 Supplemental Solo Rules

CKRSCCA Solo events are conducted under Sports Car Club of America Solo rules. Additional rules specific to the CKRSCCA are listed below. Any additional judgments will be made using accepted customs established from the official's experience at other Solo events. ALL JUDGEMENT OF THE EVENT OFFICIALS IS FINAL

Please click the following link to download the 2024 SCCA Solo Rule Book 


LIABILITY RELEASE WAIVER: Notes regarding the liability release waivers. (anyone on-site must complete a release waiver)

REGISTRATION: Each driver must register to run on course. A valid driver's license must be presented at registration, along with proof of SCCA membership. All entrants must be an SCCA member through either a regular membership or weekend membership. Entry fee for registration is nonrefundable once the driver makes his/her first run. Weekend membership cost is $15 in addition to the regular entry fee. Competitors may enter each event only once (entrant may not enter an event in more than one Car Class).


If you pre-register and pre-pay online using Motorsportreg.com and are an SCCA Member: $45

If you pre-register and pre-pay online using Motorsportreg.com and are NOT an SCCA Member: $60 (includes $15 Weekend Membership Fee)

If you pre-register on Motorsportreg.com and select to pay on-site and are an SCCA Member: $45

If you pre-register on Motorsportreg.com and select to pay on-site and are NOT an SCCA Member: $60 (includes $15 Weekend Membership Fee)

**NOTE: Walk-up registration may be available at events on a case-by-case basis. No walk-up registration is guaranteed**

**Entry fees for pay on-site are collected at pre-registration check-in. Entry fees can also be paid online when registering through Motorsportreg.com. If you pay online, you will get to skip the registration/payment line on event day, but you must still check-in. **Entry fees reflect the price for the standard autocross events. Special events such as schools or test and tunes may be different.**

CLASSES: Determination of the appropriate class to run in is the responsibility of the competitor. Tech inspectors verify car safety, they do not class cars. CKR will use Open classes as listed in the Solo Rule Book. Ladies classes will also be used. There will be a novice walk-through at each event to help new drivers. Novice drivers in their first year may designate to run in an indexed Novice class for competition with other novices and to earn points for Rookie of the Year. To join the Novice index at an event, the competitor simply needs to notify the Novice Chief. Competitors must ensure that their vehicle is fully legal for the class they intend to run. In-class agreements to run non-compliant vehicles are not in the spirit of competition and will not be allowed. Vehicles running out of class will not receive event trophies, class championship points, or points towards special year-end awards.

Unofficial Solo Car Classifier

Category Allowance "Cheat" Sheet

CAR NUMBERS: Car and class letters/numbers must adhere to SCCA National Standards. Numbers must be a minimum of 8" (20.5cm) high with a 1 1/4 " (3.25cm) stroke. Class letters must be a minimum of 4" (10.25cm) high with a 3/4" (2cm) stroke. Letters and numbers must also be a contrasting color compared to the vehicle. Further details can be found in the SCCA National Solo Rules. KM (Previously Formula 125): 100 and 125 cc Karts as listed in the Solo Rules book are legal in CKR on approved sites. Minor drivers (under 18) must have a driver's license.

PAX: CKRSCCA uses PAX/RTP. OFFICIAL PAX INDEX SINGLE CAR CLASS: A minimum of two cars makes a class. CKR does not use "bumping"; by the close of registration, if only a single entry exists in any class, this entrant will be grouped into a "Single Car Handicap" class to award trophies for that event, judging by the PAX index. However, year-end points will be awarded for each classed vehicle in their open class (since the definition of the Single Car Class includes cars with no other competitors of the same open class, each entrant will receive 1st place points for their open class.)

PAX/RTP Website

YEAR END CHAMPIONSHIP: Only CKRSCCA members in good standing are eligible for year end Solo Championship awards. Non-members may count results from two previously participated events as member entries when they submit their membership application. An SCCA member of another region may qualify for a CKR year-end trophy by running the minimum number of points events needed to qualify and by becoming an Associate Member of CKRSCCA. (Associate Members are eligible for special year-end rewards, i.e. Driver of the Year, Rookie of the Year.)

Any member must run a minimum of four points events in the same class to be eligible for year-end trophies. Year-end trophies are awarded from points accumulated from a member's best five points events in a class. This year we will have nine points events. The number of points earned at each points event is described below:

Points/Event = 100 - [900 x (entrant's time - class winning time)/class winning time] DNF = 20 points DSQ = 0 points

Anyone who completes at least one timed run will receive a minimum of 20 points. Tie breaker is as follows: The winner is the competitor with the highest score of total sum of scored points (not just the best five). This method favors a competitor's performance at more than just the minimal number of events.

TECHNICAL INSPECTION: Cars must be presented in competition condition: Tires changed, no loose material in trunk and interior. Car number and class must be legible and visible on both sides of the car, double entries must have only one number visible at any time on course (so you the driver on course can be identified). Nitrous Oxide systems are not permitted on the site (first time entrants will be given a waiver requiring disconnection of the system). Any car deemed unsafe to run by the technical inspector cannot run that day. This decision is final and cannot be appealed. However, if changes are made to the vehicle, it may be presented again at a later date to be inspected.

CKRSCCA does offer Annual Tech for CKRSCCA members.  Please see the chief of tech for information.

NOISE CONTROL: All cars are highly encouraged to have adequate mufflers. Your car must be quieter than 96dbA measured at 50 feet from the edge of the course at a point where the car would be able to reasonably be under full throttle load. The measurement point will be at a perpendicular to vehicle travel direction. An ANSI Type 2 sound meter will be used, set to "A" weighting, "slow" response. You will receive a First Warning if your car measures greater than or equal to 96dbA at 50 feet. You will be allowed to fix your car before your next run. A Safety Steward or Tech Inspector must approve your changes before you are allowed to run again. If your car measures greater than or equal to 96dbA at 50 feet again you will not be able to continue to race at that event. Please note you will not be refunded for the event. The Solo or Event Chair reserves the right to make final noise control decisions. If noise becomes an issue at any of the sites, CKR reserves the right to amend our noise rules at any time with notice.

EQUIPMENT DAMAGE: If a driver cause damage to CKRSCCA equipment during an event, the driver will be charged at minimum $100 up to actual cost. The driver will not be allowed to participate in any CKRSCCA event until payment is received. If equipment damage becomes an issue at any of the sites, CKR reserves the right to amend our policy at any time with notice.

HELMETS: Please see the following link for acceptable helmet certifications for the 2025 season. 2025 SCCA Solo Helmet Certifications

PASSENGERS: Competitors shall not be passengers or drive the course at speed prior to completing their competition runs during a points event. Novices are only allowed to have a passenger who is an experienced driver serving as an instructor. This instructor must be assigned by event officials or the Novice chief. All passengers must be SCCA members or complete the weekend membership form. (NO FEE REQUIRED FOR WEEKEND MEMBERSHIP PASSENGERS) All passengers must be at least 12 years old. Competitors are allowed as a passenger prior to completion of their runs if they are serving as an assigned novice assistant.

DRIVERS MEETING: YOU MUST ATTEND THE DRIVERS MEETING. This is where you receive the run/work order and schedule. Special announcements for the day are discussed.

WORKING: ALL COMPETITORS MUST WORK. Run-work order will be announced at the driver's meeting, and work assignments will be announced by the worker chief just before the beginning of each heat. You must check in prior to working. Failure to work your assignment will result in disqualification and a suspension for the next event. If an emergency arises, the event steward can rule on an individual situation.

TIMED RUNS: Will be scored regardless of dry or rain. The number of runs during an event may be changed due to time constraints or severe weather.

RE-RUNS: Are granted for timing malfunction, if red flagged, stopping to point out a down cone, or stopping for an obvious safety issue without being red flagged. Re-runs for a previously downed cone are only granted if the competitor stops and points to the cone. If you continue your run past a downed cone, you don't get a re-run, and the cone may be added to your time.

TIMING RESULTS: All announcements and preliminary results are unofficial. The official results will be posted as Final. Protests against timing & scoring will not be accepted without firm evidence. If you have a timing problem, PLEASE don't attempt to enter the timing trailer. Instead, find an official who will relay your concern. Any decisions made by the Solo Chair or Regional Executive on the day of the event are final, unless an official written protest is filed.

SAFETY: THE ORGANIZERS RESERVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE ENTRY TO ANY PERSON OR VEHICLE. Spectators must remain in designated areas. Anyone with a camera on course must be approved in advance by an official and be accompanied by an adult spotter (corner workers may not use a camera, and must stand during runs). Cell phone use on the course by workers, drivers or passengers is prohibited. Course designers and the chief safety steward may take up to two safety runs together or separately to verify a course is safe for competition. These runs should not be at competition speed. Safety runs will not count against or in place of the regular competition runs for these individuals. Any decision made by the Chief Safety Steward on a safety issue is final and cannot be protested.

WEATHER: The event may be delayed or cancelled for extreme weather. If so, the requirement to award trophies and points is that every car in a class has completed one run. Refunds only if an entire class can not complete one run. The decision can be made at anytime by the Chief Safety Steward to end an event due to inclement weather.

DISQUALIFICATION: The following are automatic disqualifiers. Consumption of alcohol or drugs by an entrant, or anyone in their party, during or before the event. Burnouts, speeding, or any reckless or unsafe driving while not on course. This includes nearby public streets. Reckless or unsafe driving on course. Not reporting for your work assignment. THE EVENT OFFICIALS MAY DISQUALIFY ANYONE FOR BAD CONDUCT. NO REFUNDS!

PROTESTS: For car classification, please see the SCCA Solo Rules for our policies and procedures. If you disagree with an official judgment, a written protest will be considered. This must be presented to the Solo Chair and identify specific items from the rule book. Protests must be made the day of the proposed infraction.